Francois Gauthier Reining Collection

FG Western Spring System High Port Shank Bit

  • Finish: Aluminum
  •  MP: 5″ High port, Pinchless, Spring System
  •  CP: 8-1/4″ Long shank, Engraved, Conchos

 Level Four: Moderate to Strong Effect

Level Four bits are for horses over 5 years old, experienced, with good training, who can accept a lot of pressure from the bits and the rider's hands. These bits are for competition, and/or experienced riders. Level Four mouthpieces are more severe, the ports higher, and they apply a lot of pressure on horse's mouth. They cannot be put in just any rider's hands.

Instructs by strong pressure, not by pain or pain avoidance! A bit that provides the control expected of a ported bit, while also allowing independant control of both left and right side of the horses mouth. The internal spring feature permits the smooth return of the port to it's resting position.

SKU 014674
Brand Francois Gauthier Collection
Shipping Weight 0.4000kg

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